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PHONE: 905-634-VIEW (8439)EMAIL:info@healthviewchiropractic.comLOCATION:115 Plains Road East | Burlington, Ontario

In an overabundance of caution we have made the difficult decision to close the clinic effective March 17th for one week.  We will continue to monitor and assess the situation as it unfolds and a decision regarding the week of March 23rd will me made this weekend.

We sincerely apologize foe the inconvenience and will be in touch with everyone regarding the rescheduling of appointments.

We will be continually checking our voice mail and email through the week and can be reached at 905-634-8439 and healthview@cogeco.net.  Additionally you can check our websites for up to date information.

Once again we apologize for the inconvenience at this time and appreciate your understanding.

Yours in good health,

Dr. Rob, Natalie and Tyler.


The team at HealthView takes your health very seriously.  As always we are keeping our clinic and our hands clean but now we are being extra cautious.  Beds, tables, counters and door knobs are being disinfected between all visitors to HealthView.   As well we have hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes available in all rooms.

Additionally,  we require all patients who have traveled in the last 14 days or are experiencing symptoms to reschedule their appointments an observe the recommended 14 day self-isolation protocol.

We understand that this can be a very stressful time for you and are here to help answer your questions about this your other health concerns.

COVID-19 symptoms may be very mild or more serious, such as fever, cough and difficulty breathing.  Symptoms may take up to 14 days to appear after exposure to the virus.

The virus is most commonly spread from an infected person through:

  • respiratory droplets when you cough or sneeze
  • close personal contact, such as touching or shaking hands
  • touching something with the virus on it, then touching your eyes, nose or mouth before washing your hands.

In the meantime, here’s how you can help stay healthy and stop the spread of illness:

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Cough or sneeze into a tissue or if one is not available into your sleeve.
  • Consider a wave or an elbow bump in place of a handshake, hug or kiss.
  • Reduce your exposure to crowded places
  • Encourage those you know are sick to stay home until they no longer have symptoms
  • If you become ill, stay home until you are no longer showing symptoms.

We thank everyone for their co-operation and wish everyone good health!



Take a break from the old standard, and let HealthView offer a few ways to pamper yourself and your sweetie this Valentine’s Day with gifts that won’t leave you with regret or wilting flowers a week later.


  1. Massage Therapy Gift Certificate

Massage Therapy Burlington

If you or your partner are active – you know how tight and tense your muscles can get.  Sometimes a massage is just the perfect solution to ease a tired body and mind.  Not only is it a great way to relax, but it could increase his/her performance in the gym.  If you aren’t as active as you like, a massage by an RMT will help to loosen those muscles and make you feel a thousand times better!   A HealthView gift certificate is the perfect solution for it!  Our Registered Massage Therapists will find the best way to ease those aching muscles!  Why not consider a couples massage?  You could BOTH walk out feeling relaxed and energized.  Call us at 905-634-VIEW to find out how you can get one!



  1. Fitness Tracker

Massage Therapy Burlington

Now, this is only meant with the best intentions!  For a lot of people, fitness trackers are a good way to monitor your journey and help you understand just how active you are.  They don’t have to be expensive – and can assist you in keeping “track” of your steps, calories burned and even the amount of restful sleep you are getting.


  1. A Romantic (But Healthy) Dinner

Massage Therapy BurlingtonConsider something as simple as a nice meal – prepared at home.  Perhaps something a little more special than the usual fare though.  Some nutritionists suggest you go “lean & green” – meaning a meal consisting of a lean protein like salmon or flank steak, coupled with some broccoli, green beans or cauliflower.


  1. Couples Yoga Class

Massage Therapy BurlingtonThe couple that stretches together – stays together?  Studies show that yoga can increase your flexibility, strength and cardiovascular function.  It can also improve your mood – which is NEVER a bad thing, especially when the February blues start to set in.


  1. Go Ice Skating

Massage Therapy BurlingtonSure it can be cold outside, but there is no better time to find a local skating rink and take part in a great low impact workout together!  Make sure you stretch beforehand, and dress according to the conditions – but its a great opportunity to enjoy the outdoors and each others company.  And afterwards – make sure you grab some hot chocolate with a few extra marshmallows!



Sometimes we tend to think that orthotics are used by just an older population, but the fact is – ALL AGES can benefit from them!

Custom orthotics are different than the ones you typically buy over-the-counter in a store, because they are specifically made for YOUR unique feet.  They are a simple insert that can be placed in your footwear with ease.


There are 4 key reasons you should consider getting orthotics:

1. Ongoing Foot Pain

If it hurts to walk, we have a problem.  When serious issues have been ruled out, orthotics can help, by taking the stress off painful areas of your feet.

2. Fallen Arches

Orthotics can’t fix a fallen arch, but they CAN reposition your foot to make it easier to walk and reduce the chance of injury.

3. Standing All Day

If you stand for long periods of time, you need the extra support because your muscles get sore.  Orthotics are a helpful way to give your feet a break.

4. Diabetes

Believe it or not, if you suffer from diabetes you have an increased risk of corns and calluses.  Those ailments hurt your skin and if left untreated, can lead to bigger problems.  Orthotics can ease the pressure on those areas.

foot orthotics

If you suffer from some of the following issues, you could certainly benefit from a pair of custom orthotics:

– Flat feet
– Plantar Fasciitis
– Achilles Tendonitis
– Heel spurs
– Shin splints
– Lower back pain
– Leg pain

Custom Foot Orthotics

If you’re ready to give orthotics a try – here’s what happens next!

Don’t worry – it doesn’t hurt!   We examine your feet, legs, hips and lower back to determine if there are any underlying problems.  We then take a computerized scan of your feet to see how you walk.  And finally, we take a foam impression of your feet to make sure the orthotic is tailored to YOU.

orthotic gait scan

Here are some frequently asked questions from our patients:

Will I have to get new footwear?

Orthotics have come a long way since your grandmother’s old shoes. They can be made to fit your tennis or running shoes, dress shoes or even ski boots!

Do they hurt?

There is definitely some adjustment when you get your orthotics, but keep in mind, they are meant to alleviate pain, not cause it.  Custom orthotics may change the posture of your foot (and that’s a good thing) but you may need a week or two to break them in.

How long do they last?

The lifespan of othotics can vary from patient to patient.  It shouldn’t be measured on how long the material lasts, but on how long it provides the comfort and support you need.  If your foot and lower body pain return, it’s probably a good idea to see your practitioner to have them reassessed.

Are they covered by my benefit plan?

A lot of people ask us if orthotics are covered by their benefit plans – YES – most extended health plans offer some form of full or partial coverage.  We encourage our patients to check with their providers to find our the specifics of their plan.

How soon can I get an appointment?

If you call us at 905-634-8439, we can get you in as soon as possible!   It typically takes about a week to 10 days to make your custom orthotics.  We have you come back when they are ready, so we can properly fit them and make sure you are comfortable with them.

We typically take thousands of steps each day.  Those steps shouldn’t be painful.  You’ll be pleasantly surprised how orthotics can make a real difference for you!


Re-LEAF Yourself of Back Pain!


Fall is a beautiful time of year with all the incredible colours around us, but it can also be a painful time for a lot of people – as they hurt themselves trying to clean up the leaves.  Raking is a physical activity that can help people stay active, but it can also lead to pains and strains if you don’t do it right.

So we have some simple ways to take the pain out of raking:


Warm Up – A simple 10 minute walk around your house, neighbourhood or on the spot will get your muscles warmed up and ready to go!


Stretch – Easy stretches of your arms, wrists, sides and legs can go a long way to getting you ‘raking ready’.  Remember to relax, and don’t overextend yourself.



Keep Moving – A lot of people plant their feet, then twist, turn and overreach in different directions to get those pesky leaves.  This can lead to strains in your mid and lower back.  Keep the rake handle close to your body to help maintain good posture throughout.


Take Breaks – You don’t have to rake the whole yard in 20 minutes.  Listen to your body.  Take frequent breaks and keep your body hydrated.  The discs in your spine need water to keep them cushiony and functioning properly.


And remember when bagging those leaves – make it manageable!  Keep your back straight and use your legs to do the lifting.  If the leaves are wet, it will make the bag deceivingly heavy and awkward to lift.  When it’s all done, take a few moments to cool down and the same light stretches you started with!



Custom foot orthotics are custom made inserts that go into your shoes to address many types of foot disorders.  They provide support, correction, and cushioning to improve food performance and comfort.

If required, all ages can benefit from a custom foot orthotic.  From discomfort of the foot, to severe problems such as diabetic foot ulcers – a foot orthotic can help a wide range of patients.

There are 4 key reasons for orthotics:

1.  Ongoing foot pain.
First and foremost, it is important to have a throough foor assessment to rule out more serious issues.  Once this happens orthotics can be worn to help remove pressure and stress from painful areas.
2.  Fallen arches
While orthotics cannot reverse a fallen arch, they can re-position structures in the foot to improve bio-mechanical function and reduce chance of injury.
3.  Standing for long periods at your job.
If you are spending long periods of time on your feet, you will need extra support because your muscles will fatigue.  It is important to move around and give your feet a break, however in this situation orthotics can be helpful.
4. Diabetes

If you suffer from diabetes, you have an increased risk of corns and calluses especially if your foot alignment is altered.  These corns and calluses can impact your skin integrity and if left untreated can result in diabetic wounds.  Orthotics can be helpful in reducing these key pressure areas of the foot.

To determine the right orthotic for your foot, Dr. Rob will perform a thorough examination using the following assessment techniques:

-A state of the art computerized gait scan
-A clinical examination your feet, lower extremities and gait pattern

-A foam impression of your feet in a neutral position.

Your custom orthotic is designed using the negative impression to form a mould, together with the information gathered from the computerized gait scan and thorough clinical examination.


Winter means snow.  And for many of us, it also means pulling the shovel out, to get rid of it.

A lot of us are quick to get outside and propel that snow as far and as fast as we can.  But the truth is, we’re not doing ourselves any favours that way.  In fact, it’s probably making it worse.

We have a saying:  LIFT LIGHT TO SHOVEL RIGHT!

The Ontario Chiropractic Association has a few tips to make it easy on you and your back this winter:

  • PUSH IT, DON’T THROW IT – If possible, push the snow to one side.  A lot of injuries happen when people twist/turn and lift snow that is too heavy for them.  If you have to throw it, keep your body straight.

  • PICK THE RIGHT SHOVEL – Use a lightweight, non-stick, push-style shovel. A smaller blade will require you to lift less snow and a curved handle (like the one below) will require less bending.
(photo courtesy of Wirecutter.com)
  • BEND AT THE KNEES – Use your knees, leg and arm muscles to do the pushing and lifting while keeping your back straight.  And as we mentioned, avoid the twisting and tossing that you see many people do!

Using these tips should help you to avoid injury, while you clear your sidewalks, stairs and driveways of the snow.  Also, make sure you remember a few more things before you even step out the door:  stay hydrated (you are exercising after all), dress in layers and make sure your footwear has a good grip, so you don’t slip on any ice under the snow!

Be Well.  Stay Well.